Friday, September 14, 2012

A Good Sport.

As I write, my hubby is reading to our kids by the light of their new, plastic jack-o-lanterns. Wet haired and scrumptious from the bath, they are soaking up this special time with their daddy. Strange requests mount daily as kids think up the funkiest, most random ideas that they think are the best. Although my hubby can probably barely see and isn't the reader of the family, he happily obliges. How many times have you thought to yourself  "am I actually doing this?" Set up a tent in the living room? Sure. Paper bag puppets for the masterpiece theater that is our kitchen table? Why not. Tea parties for lunch?? Princess dress-up for the grocery store? Mommy included...count me in. Because when you become a parent, you must put aside your pride and humility at one time or another. Some days I just don't feel like answering any more questions or playing along with the latest make-believe adventure but I can promise you something...those are the moments I will cherish when they are old enough to be embarrassed by me. So for now, I'll take these precious moments.

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