Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Resolutions We Make...and Break

I don't know about you but like rules, I believe resolutions are meant to be broken. Year after year, we enthusiastically make these resolutions (Lose weight! Quit smoking! Save money!) only to lose nothing but steam come Valentine's Day (all that chocolate..) Now, I'm all for self improvement, but without all the added pressure of doing it for the sake of New Years. Instead of focusing on what we can't do, maybe we should focus on what we can. Maybe volunteering, being more patient with our kids, cooking healthier and being a better friend should top our lists. For me, I hope to savor the small moments with my kids, slow down and allow time to pass without feeling like we need to cram more in. I want to snuggle longer, give more kisses and dole out compliments more often than I give time-outs. I want to try new recipes, let my kiddos help more in the kitchen and keep my home company-ready. I hope to be a better wife, putting my hubby first and making our marriage a priority. One way or another, I want to connect with my man weekly, whether with an official date and a babysitter or simply on the couch with a glass of wine. Lastly, and most importantly, I want to connect weekly, daily, hourly, with my heavenly father. I want to be in a constant state of prayer, and spend more time in the word. I know that alone will help me accomplish all that I want in the next year. Be safe and make it a Happy New Year!
What will you do differently in 2014???

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