Saturday, August 7, 2021

Breast Is BEST!

As the challenges of weaning my two year old lie ahead, I am compelled to encourage you not to give up if you are frustrated with nursing or weaning...or both. Hang in there and remember that breast really is best. No formula or other source of milk can compare to mommy. Breast milk changes as baby grows and changes depending on circumstances, too. Did you know that if your baby is sick, your breastmilk will change to accomodate your baby? It's amazing and while it can be a hassle, breastfeeding is free, readily available, is always at the perfect temperature and provides a host of health benefits including weight management, allergy prevention and creates bonding. Let me know if you have any questions. I've nursed two babies and am working on weaning my third so I'd say I've been there! I get all the frustrations that come with feeding your baby!

1 comment:

  1. NOOOOOOO, take my advice as previously aforementioned in my post on “Is Breast Really Best”
