Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Summer Survival Guide

Do you dread summers at home with kids under foot all day? Well, I'm here to make the (looooong) days more managable with a few (realistic!) tips to get you through! 1) Set a schedule and stick to it. Kids (most people, actally..) do better when they know what to expect and get used to a routine. It's best to teach kids now so they can learn to be on time for things, awaken on their own and plan activities for themselves. 2) Give them chores! Speaking of being responsible, kids really need to pitch in around the house, outside, in the community...etc. It's so important to not only teach them to be responsible, but to teach them life skills. 3) Get out once in a while! Take kiddos on a drive, have a picnic, go visit a friend, bake and deliver cookies to a neighbor, take a long walk...just get out and get moving! 4) Find some time for YOU! Have the kids rest in the afternoons or go to bed early or sleep in (even if they just rest or read...) so that you can have quiet alone time to read, bathe, sit on the couch and watch tv...whatever! Just plan it and do it. You need to come first. 5) Stop giving kids so many options. YOU are in charge so YOU decide what's for lunch, what movie will be watched, what is for dessert..etc. A big part of the mommy mental drain is too many cooks helping with the soup! Ya dig? So make decisions and stick to them. If little Johnny wants pizza not PB&J, too bad. What mommy says, goes. I hope these tips help and really, the only way they will is if you ditch the dreaded mommy guilt and move on. Your kids will be fine. In fact, they will be better for it and so will you!