Being a mutt, I have plenty of Irish thrown in with my German and Scotch' so it's appropriate my kiddos turned out having red hair. Immediately people assume we are Irish and St. Patty's day is the perfect occasion to celebrate our mixed heritage. So what do you do to celebrate and make the day fun for kiddos? Turn everything green and tilt things up a bit! Here's a beautiful cake I made with the kids to start feeling festive. It's super easy, from a box and fun to make. It tastes great too! And what goes better with a leprechaun hat cake than a craft to work on while it's baking?? My daughter copied this "leprechaun trap" from a magazine and nailed it! We had to practice for the big day! I plan to scatter gold coins around the house, turn chairs on their sides and dye the milk green, among serving fun dishes throughout the day. A fruit rainbow with green pancakes, green pasta and green velvet cake sound good to me!
How will you celebrate?

For the cake:
yellow cake mix plus ingredients
3 round cake pans (I used two 9" and one 10")
1 can chocolate frosting
1 can vanilla frosting
green and yellow food coloring
Preheat oven to 350-degrees then mix ingredients for cake. Distribute cake mix into the three pans evenly. Bake about 15 minutes, until set. When cakes are cool, layer them on a cake plate, filling with chocolate icing (reserve a bit for around the hat...) Then tint the vanilla with green food coloring (reserving a tiny to tint yellow for the buckle..) and get icing! Have fun, be silly and enjoy the day with your kiddos!
You're a fun mum! That trap is awesome!