Few things in the food world excite me as much as freshly baked bread. It's a weakness of mine. There, I said it. I will not, cannot turn it down. From sweet to savory, I don't discriminate. A few of my favorites hail from Mrs. Knott's Kitchen, The Islamorada Fish Company and Macaroni Grill. Slathered with butter, hot from the oven, it's irresistible. I've made and copied many versions over the years but thus far, none has rivaled the most recent. Eager to try something new for Thanksgiving, I gave a recipe my sis passed my way a whirl. Boy, was I happy I did. As I was mixing, kneading, allowing to rise, cutting and allowing to rise yet again, I'm ashamed to admit I did have the fleeting thought "I'm so buying frozen dough next time". And then I tasted them. And so did my family. The rolls were the first to go and I have already made them again to accompany a batch of soup. So here's the recipe and I insist you try it immediately, following it to a T (I stress this since I have the tendency to take shortcuts for the sake of time...not worth it!) Oh, and I used regular flour...
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