Tuesday, August 13, 2013


I am all about making my mark in my home and putting personal touches throughout. I decided to make a little wooden sign recently with one of my favorite bible verses, Micah 6:8, to put in my kitchen. That verse speaks so much to me as it is a simple reminder daily of where my priorities should lie. So off to Michaels I went in search of the perfect items for my sign. I already had a weathered piece of wood found in the garage that would be the perfect size. You really do need to consider the size of your sign. You can use canvas or wood or even do it on a glass picture frame but be sure your wording is proportional to your piece. This project is super easy and requires very few things to assemble. It would make a great, inexpensive gift too! Here's what you need:

- Wood, glass or canvas as a base
- Paint, unless you want it on a blank piece
- Mod Podge/foam paintbrush
- Letter stickers

Start by painting your piece if you're going to. Once dry, mock up your piece with your wording. Make sure everything looks perfect before sticking the letters on for good. Then coat your piece with Mod Podge. Be generous and make sure it is even with no big globs. It will dry clear but it needs to be a nice, even coat. Let dry overnight and voila! You have a personal and fun addition to your home decor.
What projects are you working on??

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